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MortienGerrux said:
Areaz32 said:

Dude just stop yourself. You are moving the goal post from enjoying a VR experience to just being able to see anything on the screen.

Is it really that hard to understand that VR experiences doesn't include video games with a plug-in that can display the game in stereoscopic 3d?

And you moved the goal post from being Samsung gear VR to just being MobileVR which is even worse than PSVR. You are literally trying to shit on PSVR FOR NO REASON.

Lastly that CPU you picked is going to buckle under the pressure of running the complex physics simulations they use for VR + OS + The game engine with AI etc.

It is going to make you throw up big time before you get to do anything else in VR. Not only that the GPU is from a shit brand so the life expentency of your setup is EVEN LOWER. You won't be able to reach 90hz 1080p with that build. Especially not with new games and furthermore in VR.

Just stop yourself. You did everything you could to shit on PSVR. Please just stop.

A R9 380 4GB will be able to run pretty much any VR game lol. The recommended GPU from Oculus is a R9 290 which is about the same power as the newer R9 380.


Also I never knew Skyrim or Fallout 4 had to do "complex physics simulations" 

If you want to play Skyrim or Fallout 4 in VR then you are not doing it right. That rig you posted will not do 90hz with 100% consistent frametimes which is required for VR.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 are not games build for VR. Why would you even want that? You aren't even going to use the 3d motion controllers with those games.

Its like you are trying to shit on PSVR by making a BUNCH of assumptions about something you have no tried yet. 90hz in 3D is essential for PCVR.

This is why Oculus and HTC have shown their recommended specs for minimum performance.

How can you with a straight face say that 380 and 290 are about the same? You are either lying or blissfully ignorant because:

Here we have it 30 - 40% worse in most tests.

If you really want to compare PC parts to console parts then okay.

PS4 1.8tflops

380 3.4tflops

But we all know that consoles can get nearly twice as much out of the hardware compared to consoles as John Carmack said himself:

Please stop yourself. 

You are reaching so bad that you couldnt even make one of those large posts you usually do. My arguementation is sound.