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FunFan said:
DivinePaladin said:

Zelda 1 and 2 have been redeemed entirely by the Internet in the past decade, but that's still an antiquated set of games that was designed for the same kids that grew up on Megaman and Ghosts and Goblins. They're not comparable in difficulty or design to the games designed for and played by kids today, even if you or I have extremely anecdotal evidence suggesting otherwise. 


Just because some aspects might seem outdated doesnt mean all aspects are. Neither it means that those "outdated" aspects couldn't be brought back in an updated fashion. That's why the Dark Souls games are being mentioned so much, that series is champ in taking old ideas and modernising them. Is obvious no one is asking to bring back Zelda 1 elements unfiltered. They have to make it work within a more modern design. In the case of the dificulty of Zelda games, it can be just as hard as the classic entries as long as the challenge itself manages to feel "fair" by today standars.

I'm referring entirely to checkpoints still because that's such a stupid concept to demand change in when the games aren't difficult. Not sure where your response is aimed other than a tangent about Zelda 1 vs Dark Souls and explaining what I already know about modernizing games. I've made video games before lol. Nothing great because I'm a shitty artist and I have no artist friends, but I've designed a game before and then modernized it in a demake port. 


Anyway, like I was saying about checkpoints, there's still no reason to change them when by all regards the games are too easy. Hell they can't even make a 2D game hard when they're half-cloning LttP! The request to update checkpoints specifically doesn't make sense unless they're going to significantly alter the design of the games. Which I'm open to, as I've noted before in this thread. It's just that that won't happen in all likelihood, no matter if it needs to change or not. Zelda has become far too commercialized and Aonuma far too stubborn for such large scale shifts to happen quickly. That goes back into my thing about feasibility.


If they made marathon dungeons, fine, perfect, add more checkpoints. If they simply make dungeons harder there's no need to add more checkpoints because even the hardest dungeons in the hardest games are pretty fair about shortcuts or speeding through cleared rooms, Zelda II notwithstanding. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!