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For number 2, I don't think you should start off where you left off, but there should be something like Farore's Wind, and the Owl Statues in Majora's Mask, where you can warp to some parts of the dungeon, which would help if you die and start at the beginning of the dungeon, and it would help with backtracking.

Edit: I'm going to add my thoughts on the other ones

1 - I don't think you should give the basic/essential items from the get-go. I like how Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword started out where Link doesn't have a tunic and doesn't have a sword, shield, or items. It gives background and build-up to the story. But it shouldn't be too long (I think the introduction should be somewhere in between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess).

3 - I think the amount of hearts you start with after you get a game over should depend on how many heart containers you have. So, if you have 3-8 containers, you start off with 3 hearts, if you have 9-15 containers, you start off with 8, and if you 16-20 containers, you start off with 10. Or something like that. If it's that way, the amount of hearts you have to build up after dying isn't too much.

4 - I agree that there should be more content, but it's hard to make a balance. Besides having wildlife, having a bunch of NPC's, mini-bosses, mini-dungeons in the overworld would really start to get annoying, especially if at some point you're in the mood to ride your Horse through the fields peacefully. So things like NPC's/Sidequests, mini-bosses, and mini-dungeons should be spaced out well (Not too far away from eachother, but not too close to eachother), espeically in Zelda Wii U since the overworld is so big, meaning there would be no excuse for things being too close together or too far apart (and, for wildlife, Zelda Wii U doesn't seem to have a problem with the lack of wildlife based on the footage).

Can't wait for The Zelder Scrolls 3: Breath of The Wild Hunt!