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Swordmasterman said:
Miyamotoo said:

Only because PS3 didn't sell anywhere good in first year bacuse high price, PS3 start selling good only after price cut. Console gaming in Japan is today much less popular than in PS3 era that is clear fact and even PS4 sales number proves that, just compare PS4 sales in Japan with rest of world, PS4 is selling bad in Japan compared to WW numbers, in Japan only around 2.5m while WW around 40m.

Are you serious about this ?, i heard the same on a bait article other day, the Home Console market on Japan is worth more than 3 Billions of US$ (only the console market),  Germany (Germany, is also the 4th-5th biggest video game market of the World, is the closest to Japan) and with PC, Mobile, and Console, Germany is woth 3.5 Billions on the Video Game Market, so Japan's console Market still nearly bigger than Germany's entire video game Market.

Lets compare the Home console Market of Japan, Germany, and France, the biggest countries for Gaming, i will not count UK, because UK are 3 or more Countries together, i don't remember how many it is.


France 2.3 Millions of PS4, 750 thousands of Xbox One, and 800 thousands of Wii U, this is a total of 3.85 Millions of Home consoles sold.

Germany, is 2.8 Millions of PS4, 600 Thousands Xbox One, and 700 Thousands of Wii U, a total of 4.1 Millions of home consoles sold, Germany is the 3th country for Home console Market.


Japan 2.5 Millions of PS4, 3.1 Millions of Wii U, and 60 thousands of Xbox One, total is 5.6 Millions of Home Consoles sold, Japan is still the second biggest Home console m in the World, much bigger than Germany, the third placed country.


The only problem is that different than France, and Germany, the PS4, have a competition on Japan, or atleast had, the Wii U, on the first years of the ps4, was selling on par with Playstation 4, but on 2015, Playstation 4, has taken the lead, and now is selling  much better than Wii U.


The PS4, launched on February 2014 on Japan, and on November 2013 on Europe, so Europe had the 2013's Holidays to purchase it, and had 3 Months of advantage over Japan.


After USA, the country that most sold PS4, is Germany, sold 2.8 Millions, but also had a 3 Months advantage, Playstation 4 is selling at a 20 Thousands basis per week, so 12 Weeks for the Playstation 4, at 2.5 Millions, means that Playstation 4, would have sold 2.7 Millions or more in Japan, if launched in the same month as Europe.


So in a country that people say that  home console is a "Dead Market" being the third country that sold the most Playstation 4, is something good, Japan, is the Second biggest Home console market, even if it falls 1/3 of it, it would still be the second biggest home console country, Japan, is having a shift of interest, now Western games are selling good ammount of Units, The Division's Week of launch on Japan, sold half of what Far Cry 4, sold in Germany with all their versions, PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, on the opening week, the Market will grow.


But with Playstation 4's lack of Japanese games on the beggining of  the generation, and the Wii U, only releasing 1 game each 2 months, this really don't help, but the Japanese games like Final Fantasy, and Dragon Quest, will bost Playstation 4's Sales.

Very serious and thats is well knows fact, Japan massively moved to mobile platforms and handhelds, leaving home consoles. Have on mind that Japan is home land for gaming consoles, gaming was always huge there and this gen in Japan home gaming is in decline and much smaller than before. Fact that you comparing Japan sales with Germany or France sales tell us much, never before you couldnt compare them beacuse Japan sales were always much stronger.

If you want to compare sale numbers, compare PS3 numbers in Germany or France with PS3 sales numbers in Japan, and than compare PS4 Germany or France numbers with PS4 sales numbers in Japan.

If we look VGC numbers: PS3 in Germany and France sold 4.7m and 5.4m, while PS3 in Japan sold 10.5m. PS4 in Germany and France sold 2.8m and 2.3m, while PS4 in Japan sold 2.5m. So in Japan sales of PS4 are basically on level of Germany or France sales, while sales of PS3 in Japan were around 2x higher than Germany or France sales. So you can cleraly see huge decline in popularity of home consoles in Japan.