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I agree with 3 and 4 (though 4 was only an issue for me in Skyward Sword and Wind Waker). But I like having back certain items like the bow, the claw/hookshot, the bombs, etc... And I don't mind if some temple is built around said item. Mainly because even if they repeat the item, the temple itself uses to be quite different. I mean, take a look at the bow for example. The Forest Temple (OoT), The Goron Mines (TP), The Sandship (SS)... they are all very unique designed dungeons despite having a mutual method of solving and getting through them. I never find myself saying "Meh, I feel like I already did this".

As for 1... I'm fine if they do something similar to SS. Anyway, I've never had a problem with what you mention, because I usually beat a dungeon in the same playthrough. But even if I don't, I think that almost all modern dungeons usually have paths that connects the entrance with the later rooms. So, for me that's ok.