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Lack of challenge. I just finished TPHD on Hero Mode and I only died to the Deku Frog mini boss. Hero Mode felt more like how normal mode should feel, barring the lack of hearts. Enemies should deal more damage and have more aggressive offenses and harder defenses. 

Also, after playing TPHD, there needs to be fewer cutscenes and fetch quests. More linear story design (not dungeon/world design) ala ALTTP, ALBW, most of the handheld games, etc. 

Lastly, make mini dungeons in the overworld that contain nice rewards or have very tough bosses that are a blast to fight. It's one thing I wish Zelda games had. I would love that. And mini bosses all over the place. they don't need to be only in dungeons (though, some of the handheld gamess had mini bosses in the overworld, which I LOVED)
