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I feel like I could copy and paste my previous results as very little has changed.

1. Kid Icarus: Uprising [280:08]
2. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate [170:37]
3. Pokemon Black [120:02]
4. Mario Kart 7 [118:54]
5. Animal Crossing: New Leaf [114:59]
6. Ocarina Of Time 3D [110:54]
7. Super Mario 3D Land [82:15]
8. Pokemon Y [71:45]
9. StreetPass Mii Plaza [67:51]
10. Pokemon Soulsliver [66:59]

1. Kid Icarus: Uprising 280:20
2. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 170:37
3. Pokemon Black 120:02
4. Mario Kart 7 118:54
5. Animal Crossing: New Leaf 115:05
6. Ocarina Of Time 3D 111:02
7. Super Mario 3D Land 82:15
8. Pokemon Y 73:10
===StreetPass Mii Plaza 67:51===
9. Pokemon Soulsliver 66:59
10. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS 58:02