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daredevil.shark said:

Captain obvious here:

From an Engineering point of view: Before launching Xbox 360 it had 256 MB ram. But gearbox requested to add additional 256 MB ram. That cost MS half billion USD. If you are slightly familiar with R & D you will know why its unrealistic.

From R & D point of view: It costs a lot of develop a system. Developers spend billions for this. For a powerful 4K system they need to redesign the whole thing. Lol. Who has time for this?

From Sonys point of view: They are in financial problem. Will they took this risk? Nope.

From consumers point of view: It will be confusing. Last thing Sony wants is confusion.

From developers point of view: Witcher 3 PC version was downgraded because CDPR didnt wanted to "develop" two versions of the same game. PS4K will force develoeprs to abandon PS4.

If you want to play 4K then get a PC. Problem solved. Its easier.

From an Engineering point of view: To be honest 500m USD is doesn't sound that much in context of a  5+ year hardware endevour. Massive Devs spend close to that on single games and marketing campaigns (GTA, Destinty). Did you consider  the New 3DS also unrealistic? Anyways to copy and past an article which spoke about this before the rumour

"Such an option would never have been considered for older PlayStation consoles as they used a custom hardware platform, which would have been extremely expensive to produce a new, more powerful version of. However, the PS4 uses the x86 architecture. Higher performance x86 chips are being produced all the time, meaning an upgrade would be significantly easier/cheaper to perform. But that doesn’t mean Sony would do it, just that it’s the first time they feasibly could.

Masayasu Ito, Sony Computer Entertainment Senior Vice President, confirmed this during an interview with Japanese gaming website 4Gamer. He also went on to say the real question is whether it should be done."

From Sonys point of view: Why did they bother releasing the Vita or including a Bluray disk in the PS3, or spending billions on an expensive VR headset that the general consumer probably won't buy?

From consumers point of view: Consumers know the difference between their annual phone updates, SD versus HD, 40m people knew the difference between DS lite versus DSi, motion plus versus standard Wii controller but yet HD versus 4k will baffle them? 

From developers point: They would simply give PS4k the high end PC version of the game... As always the most popular platform will be the base (PS4), hence why they downgraded Witcher 3 for PC as oppose to abandoning the console version lol

Y'all are so shook you're using things which occur every generation as reasons why the PS4.5 can't exits, everyone needs to except they don't what will happen and wait it out instead of acting like they know more then Kotaku and their sources lol.