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So.....freedom of speech isn't a thing anymore? I don't like people being dickholes anymore than anyone else. But that's part of the free speech package, is that OTHER assholes are also allowed to say whatever they want. The "so long as they're not hurting anyone" bit is a blurry line, and not always easy to sus out.

But regardless which side you stand on this......America is ridiculous. Suing someone for MILLIONS of dollars, far far more than your little Steam games will ever make, because they and their dickhole fans make comments that upset you? Harassment I get. And that shit needs to stop. Bullying is not okay, if you don't like something, then fuck off and go like something else. But what does suing for MILLIONS of dollars, or any dollar amount really, actually accomplish?

I've always wondered this. Especially with truly fucked up cases like lawsuits over deaths. getting MILLIONS of dollars, going to bring your loved one back from the dead? Or is it just that suddenly being rich will help you find "piece of mind"? Because to me, there is no "justice" being attained by basically getting rich off of the death of someone you supposedly cared about. If anything, it seems like you're taking advantage of the situation and dishonoring their memory. *shrug*