fatslob-:O said:
I'm surprised how we're still concerned about yields when the metal pitch for 16nm is the same from 20nm and it's similar for 14nm too ... @Bold Maybe so but I'm still more impressed by Intel's performance than any other since they have the process node with the highest transistor density in the world and I like some of the new features they bring in too. Suffice to say I look forward to Intel bringing AVX-512 including new x86 extensions along with something cool like the 3D XPoint on mainstream CPUs ... |
It's true that 14/16nm is based on 20nm, a process that wasn't suited for high power chips like GPUs, but with FinFet tech to solve that problem. There will always be some tweaks to be made, and some time will be required until yields reach acceptable numbers and the production ramps up.
So the question is, do they go for the big chips right from the start despite the yields and that those chips aren't the ones that sell the most, or do they concentrate on what the market buys the most, the sub-300 $/€ one? With Nvidia we don't know yet, but AMD has openly decided to go the second route.
As for the second part, I wish I understood what you wrote (I know nothing about the different instructions and extensions). Thing is, Intel is more concerned about ARM and the low power market than launching faster products, and has put all its efforts towards efficiency, launching chips that are roughly 5-10% faster than the ones they are replacing.
BasilZero said: Looks like the amount of testing for FF9 for Steam has increased in the last few days. https://steamdb.info/app/377840/graphs/ Maybe its time that a release may happen!? SE would release the damn game when I'm about to go on vacation........>.>. |
Oh yes, they've gone from 5 to six testers, the launch is near!
Don't be so obsessed, Basil, it's not good.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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