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thranx said:
Skratchy said:

Anonymous... and about 90% of the world's population.

Too bad so many Americans are unashamed of how the rest of the world views them. How is America EVER supposed to be considered great, when promoting violence, racism, sexism, classism and bigotry are becoming what the country is known for?

EVER considered great? Please we are the greatest nation on earth right now. Americans pick leaders to lead the way, not to pacify the rest of the world. Why would we consider the opinons of nations that a had a shot at greatness but couldnt achieve it or hold onto it?

Edit: Not too mention the US is still by far and large the biggest destination for immigrants.

Edit: Anonymous is just playing into Trumps game. The more people try and portray trump as bad and evil, the more support he gets. Especially if its coming from a group too scared to say who they are. Its a perfect storm to bring trump even more supporters. They should really rethink this.

That's just so arrogant it looks like a cliché of USA. What is suppose to the be the greatest nation. Well there are other countries some much smaller than USA that have a better a quality of life.

Actually I don't believe that there's such thing like the greatest nation in a world that is too vast, complex  and beautiful for such thing. Well I guess that during a long time europeans told the world they were the greatest race now we have the greatest nation.