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Viper1 said:

i feel sorry for all the wii owners with there little 512 mb of memory =(


He posted this before he made thsi thread. He's just trolling.

It was a transparent attempt, but it's worth responding to the thread in a positive way so that other people who read it will realize that 512MB is not any more a problem for the Wii than 120GB is a problem for the Xbox 360 elite. For ever rare Wii owner who has eclipsed the 512MB mark, there is probably an elite owner who hasn't yet gotten the RROD who has eclipsed the 120GB mark.

Space is not unlimited and has to be managed. Especially on consoles where companies will cut corners to save money in every way possible (look at the 360 premium or the PS3 40GB -- they both have absolutely tiny drives to store HD movies with.

With a 20GB drive, you'll literally get to watch one, then you'll have to delete it and redownload it later if you want to see it again. I'd consider my 360 to be far more space constrained than my Wii simply because the 360 tries to be a media center and fails miserably for lack of space.

Evanstar: if you want to buy a Wii, I'd recommend waiting at Best Buy on a Sunday. Get there two or three hours before the store opens, because the Wii is so insanely popular that it sells out all over America despite Nintendo shipping 4x as much as either HD console these last two months.