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There are really two choices I can think of here: Xenosaga HD and Xenoblade X2. 

For me personally, while I would love to see Monolith Soft retcon the entire Xenosaga series and complete the masterpiece they originally had planned, I just don't see Nintendo looking at that as a viable move to make. Not only that, but to get Monolith Soft back on board would ultimately need to halt production on their currently running series, Xenoblade X. So, if it IS a choice I have to make than I would rather see Xenoblade X2.

I've already played the Xenosaga series (for better and worse) and while there was a LOT of good in the series, the Xenoblade series just has so much more potential that I would rather not have to wait years more to experience. Personally I say let Bamco do a port of the existing material maybe work with Takahashi to add a few new things. Even if Bamco made it an exclusive for another console, I think it'd personally be a better option. 

But with that said, I know there are quite a bit of people who weren't exactly thrilled with Xenoblade X. So I'm trying to get a general feel for what people would rather see.