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pokoko said:
spemanig said:

It's a two way street, you know. Has sony been open to cross play with other consoles all this time? Nintendo? Because I haven't seen evidence of any of it except for one example on some indie Nintendo game that ended in "good talks."


In an interview with RPGsite, Naoki Yoshida explained that while PS3, PS4 and PC players will be able to play with each other when the game launches on August 27, the fact Xbox users would require their own server turned the team off the idea.

"The policy has not changed on Microsoft's side," he revealed. "The main reason from our side is that I don't want the community to be divided; to be split into two or more. For example, one player might be on the PC version, another might be on the PS4 version, and I'm playing the Xbox version - but we're not able to join the same game servers. That is just... I just don't like the idea. I disagree with it."



Why Is War Thunder On PS4 And Not Xbox One? Because Microsoft Prevents Cross-Platform Play 

So why is Gaijin Entertainment's War Thunder on the PS4 but it's not on the Xbox One? What happened? Well, the CEO of Gaijin throws aside the pettiness of NDAs and breaks down exactly why the online multiplayer flight-sim is cross-platform compatible between PC and PS4 and why it's skipping the Xbox One for now. 

Gamespot managed to get in word with with CEO Anton Yudintsev, who explains that... 

"Microsoft is not allowing cross-play completely; which means [War Thunder] cannot be on Xbox One," … “Sony is much more open to indie developers and free-to-play games in general. So Sony has been in the free-to-play market for a few years already, they started on the PlayStation 3,"

- See more at:


Sony has allowed several games to feature cross-play between PC and Playstation, including FF14.

I had no idea this was the case! I stand corrected.