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windbane said:
HappySqurriel said:
In my opinion the line-up looks fairly weak, I wonder whether there will be any surprise games at E3 or TGS that give the PS3 a boost.

In my opinion, your post is fairly weak. Are you saying another publisher has a better list?

Personally, I was just expecting Sony to be a lot more agressive ...

Resistance 2 and Motorstorm 2 are going to be good games but nothing to get overly excited about, and it is a somewhat sad statment that Sony is already releasing sequels to PS3 games before they have produced many of their bigger franchises from the PS2. Their line-up has a massive bulk of first person shooters (SOCOM, Resistance 2 and Killzone 2) even though the system as a whole already has a massive bulk of first person shooters. On top of all of that, I still have doubts that Killzone 2 will be particularly good or that Little Big Planet can live up to the hype.

Maybe I was expecting too much from Sony, and it was unrealistic to think that they would release sequels to The Getaway, Jak and Daxter, God of War, Twisted Metal, or Sly Cooper; or maybe I was foolish to expect that Sony might actually have a game or two to release this year that we haven't played on the PS3 already, or that wasn't announced over a year ago.