spemanig said: I know this is an XBO thing, but this is huge for Nintendo especially. One of the biggest reasons online games don't do well is because the community is so small. That issue evaporates with cross platform play. Nintendo would be idiots, IDIOTS, not to take the bone MS are giving them with this move. Sony's on top right now. They absolutely should open up to cross play, but I can see why they wouldn't, but Nintendo has literally everything to gain from doing this. If the NX launches with every multiplat having cross play with the XBO, that is going to make Sony bite the bullet anyway. They can't be the odd one out in this. Huge, huge news. |
Sonys been the most receptive toward cross plat play in my opinion, with PC. I am just going to assume they will be open toward Xbox (would be disappointing otherwise).
I could see Nintendo getting the cold shoulder from the other two though simply because they still offer free online (PC is an exception, not the rule) and also because the titles don't have much overlap with other networks. It would definitely be nice though, and I hope it happens