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Shadow1980 said:
ZhugeEX said:

The Kinect doubled the install base overnight in the US. 

"Doubled overnight," you say? LTD 360 sales in the U.S. were ~22.16M by the end of Oct. 2010. After November they had grown to ~23.53M, a 6.18% increase. Not quite a doubling. By the end of 2014 the 360 was up to about 42.4M in the U.S., still not a doubling even after another four years.

The June-Oct. period of 2010 was up 57.4% from the same period in 2009, while Nov. was up by 67.2% and Dec. was up by 42%. Also releasing in November 2010 was Black Ops, which may have moved some hardware itself. At best, the Kinect was a modest short-term system seller, having a comparable effect to a modest system-selling game.

Come on buddy, you clearly have the data in front of you. The 360 did not follow the traditional sales pattern, in fact sales increased after the Kinect came out. It was very responsible for the Install base doubling.