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KingofTrolls said:

1. I mean game sales by platform. The huge advantage in overallusers did not affect game sales. Console is over 50%, PC is more 20%.

2.No. I mean console sphere is getting bigger. 17% are newcomers if we talk about PS4.

3. I mean this console gen, not whole industry. Sooner or later the NX and X1.5 will launch and the game will start again.

4. Everybody gots what deserves, but the point is still standing - console are top dog in AAA videogames industry. Actually its kinda interesting that PS3/360 combo are on par with PC's %. 

1. When it comes to games like Skyrim it did and has done for MMO's among other genres (RTS on consoles despite their userbase numbers didn't really prove much either if we go by that).

2. That still isn't really answering a direct question.

3. I don't see the game starting again, not with this gen and with the way things have been with the previous one, I don't see another neck and neck race where everyone wins happening.

4. So PS3 got what it deserves when it got bad ports and people didn't want to support said ports on that platform whenever it happened?. I don't get why it's interesting to see 2 v 1 I see it being more interesting the other way around because 1 proved to do more than a worload of two having to be combined to go against the other 1.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"