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KingofTrolls said:
Chazore said:

Skyrim for example has sold 20m copies worldwide across the PS3,360 and PC, Steam Spy shows just over 10m owners

You can scream and shout all you want about how console gaming>PC gaming but at the end of the day there are still more PC gamers than console, the revenue has been surpassed and the platform grows in number 

Well, Skyrim was criminally poorly optimized on PS3, so many ppl skipped it. What u will say about that ?

Yes there is more PC users than before,  but PS4 also gets more users ( )

17% of PS4 owners did not own any console last gen ( SHAME ON THEM ).31 % jumps from Wii and 360.

Also digital sales is up on PS4 compared to PS3.

Also Sony is earning money on PS4 sales since day1, that's never happened before. PS Plus subscription is is up, thanks to multiplayer. They made great money, and the best is yet to come. I dont expect X1 or Wii U sales to grow anymore, and PS4 to grab this market.


Before u quote my post - I dont want u to hate me, I just like when all the picture is shown.

And yet we've seen this happen before with PC, look at AK and MKX recently for example if you want to see the same picture.

By "gets more users", you mean more than PC?, because that doesn't seem to be accurate considering the userbase for PC has been growing for 3 decades compared to every few years per gen of a console that always ends up losing it's base by the next system that comes out, the fact it eventually loses it's base once a new system/gen begins shows weight the PC space has for carrying on for more than 30 years.

I don't really see PS4 having an entire grab on the market as a good thing for the console industry if two others are greatly losing out along with their respective bases, good for Sony people and Sony but not so rgeat for Nintendo and MS, not so great for their fans either.

Also look at the Ubisoft and EA charts, over the years EA has screwed over the respect they had from PC gamers along with PC ip's and Ubisoft just plain screwed up, Uplay still being seen as the worst client with Origin being "okay", and yet Blizzard is pretty high up there thanks to them not being a bunch of goits towards the platform thanks to WoW, Hearthstone, Starcraft II, Diablo III, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, all of them working great on PC compared to shoddy EA and Ubisoft port jobs now and then, that data harks back to your PS3 Skyrim port argument in the same manner.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"