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mjk45 said:

Interesting but the hexus data is just a projection with no context and the steam spy data has red letters next to the 10 million , is it a surprise to any one that pc gaming is big ,you only have to look at asia to see it's huge.

 Why does suppositions about length of playtime have to do with PC revenue?

 Selling 10 mill at $18 on one platform compared to 20mill on two at $60 isn't the same , and is one of the reasons why many games are on console then PC.

I for one am happy that PC is doing well but I'm also happy that consoles are because that means gaming is doing well , I don't mind people extolling PC sales but there is no need to try to down play consoles it's not like the boom in Asia has come at the expense of console gaming.   

1) It's been big around other parts of the world besides MMO gold farming China, especially when you have companies like Blizzard hosting their own events each year along with competitions for the lieks of Blizz and Valve with Dota and Riot with LoL etc.

2)I meant people playing it 4 years later in terms of the game still being alive, people 4 years later could also just be buying it for themselves or someone else.

3)You looked at SS and took $18 as being the default price, a quick gander at US and UK amazon for say the X360 version shows to be cheaper at $12.88 and £15:

Skyrim was full price for the first year with every other platform, then the year after getting slashed slightly and of course as time goes on all games end up getting reduced in price, those that stay at full price years later only seem to come from those expecting insane amounts of wealth (while also not being down to earth with pricing and how to drive away people years later). Skyrim at the end of the day still sold a lot more on it;s own than two consoles having to combine to show for a single number, that's a big result either way.

I dunno, some here wouldn't care if PC gaming vanished and that alone would be unhealthy in general. I don't see why it;s fair to downplay PC and exclude any and all sales data, then suddenly use said sales daata (especially SS) against the platform but it;s not okay to call out console sales data, I honestly see issues with that because it;s not being fair to the platform yet it's also fine to say "I care but I don't really care, I'm just trying to save face", if you truly care, then by all means care but don't say you care but think it's fine to peg down PC at every turn (because it happens one way or the other on here far more than an unreleased console).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"