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smellslikejavier1 said:


if consoles are still being so successful right now after nearly 30 years is because there are so many people who prefers something more simple like for example putting a disk inside your console and play rather than having to worry about system requirements or having to pay more money and upgrade it to make sure newer games works properly on it, because lets face it the majority percentage of the gaming community as a whole likes things simple so they don't have the time and money or doesn't even care about that, and people who plays on pc who actually cares about doing that are also in the minority of the gaming community.

if it also had something to do with console exclusives for example i don't see why multi platform games are the ones with generally the most sales on them, it should be the other way around then, if everyone has probably a proper decent pc to make them run you'd expect them to play them on there and only play exclusives on consoles, and sales say that isn't the case.

i'm not saying they won't evolve in some way in the future, being able to play with them in a more digital form instead of buying them as hardware, but implying that they will "die" and that people will only play on pc on the future is just very unlikely to happen in my opinion.

PC gamers aren't in the minority for the last time:

Skyrim for example has sold 20m copies worldwide across the PS3,360 and PC, Steam Spy shows just over 10m owners for the game which shows they made just over half more than two different console brands combined, there are even people still playing the game 4 years later on the platform compared to the number of people likely to play on last gen systems (which most people have now moved to current gen and the game on consoles being strictly locked to last gen).

You can scream and shout all you want about how console gaming>PC gaming but at the end of the day there are still more PC gamers than console, the revenue has been surpassed and the platform grows in number by each and every day and has been going for 3 and a half decades so far. Each time you get a console gen you get some million users, then that console gen ends and so do the numbers, they leave and buy the enxt branded console and shift to someone else, with PC gaming you don't really shift because the platform hasn't died and hasn't for 3 and a half decades which is why it;s only gorwn in size for both suers, games and profits to be made.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"