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Shadow1980 said:
smellslikejavier1 said:

and in the end is essentially just blah blah blah, just like the exact same many articles that said that the xbox one will be the one dominating this generation, etc 

if consoles are still being so successful right now after nearly 30 years is because there are so many people who prefers something more simple like for example putting a disk inside your console and play rather than having to worry about system requirements or having to pay more money and upgrade it to make sure newer games works properly on it.

if it also had something to do with console exclusives for example i don't see why multi platform games are the ones with generally the most sales on them, it should be the other way around then, if everyone has probably a proper decent pc to make them run you'd expect them to play them on there and only play exclusives on consoles, and sales say that isn't the case.

A lot of the "consoles are dying" rhetoric originated during the 2012-2014 period prior to the launch of the PS4 & XBO. The console industry was undergoing a contraction after peaking in 2008:

This fact was not lost on many analysts, who saw this contraction as a sign that consoles were done for. However, their arguments failed due to a critical flaw: it ignored the cyclical nature of the console market.

We've seen this continual grow-peak-decline-grow-peak-decline pattern for decades, and the 2009-2013 period was part of the "decline" part of the cycle as first the Wii and then later on the PS3 & 360 entered the terminal decline periods of their life cycles. While this generation won't be as big as last gen, that's because of Nintendo. They're the wild card. The Wii was huge but the Wii U was not, and time will tell if the NX does well or not. But still, the console market is back into its growth period as combined PS4 & XBO sales continue to grow, and overall sales are very healthy. Reports of the demise of consoles are greatly exaggerated.

exactly i agree with everything, not to mention the economic crisis that striked on that same time when last gen consoles were launched which also affected it sales, and it didn't helped when the ps3 launched as such an expensive price.

they just didn't taken into account nearly any of that, they just saw the sale numbers at that time and rapidly started to say that they were dying, gladly like you said they are back into its growth period again, and since this is happening since nearly 30 years i'll say it will still remain the same for a long time now.