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Chazore said:
smellslikejavier1 said:

that's just something said by jealous pc fanboys, the ps4 sold even faster at launch than what the ps2 did and that's one of the best selling home consoles of all time, not to mention the millions of people who prefers to play on consoles rather on pc since pc isn't perfect and it also has it flaws that consoles don't, same thing viceversa, so they are not dying anytime soon

And the opposite totally hasn't been thrown towards PC gamers by jealous console folk for years on end? (notice I didn't say "fanboys" in an insulting tone). Again there are plenty of PC gamers out there that prefer to play on PC and even gamersawho own both consoles and PC. Consoles aren't perfect either by the way.

Actually I think both of you are acting like "fanboys", and that is the kind of stuff that ruins what would otherwise be a wonderful place to share and enjoy inside the gaming industry.

There's not even a point arguing about that kind of stuff, no matter what you said or what you "think is true" consoles would still be successful because there are people who enjoys playing on them and PC would still be successful because there are people who enjoy playing on that, and it doesn't even matter what you two said to each other since you'll still be playing on your favorite gaming platform.

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