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Landing in theaters today is the excellent 10 Cloverfield Lane. Produced by J.J. Abrams and directed by Dan Trachtenberg, the suspense-driven movie acts as a ‘blood relative’ to the original Cloverfield movie though no one is going as far as calling it a sequel. Having had a chance to watch the flick last night, I can tell you that you’re in for a treat and that you will want to see it before being spoiled on its ending.

Dan Trachtenberg talking about how they were able to make the film feel so personable:

  …I did feel like that Cloverfield – its first-person perspective made that movie so much more of an experience. I really wanted this movie to also feel that subjective and feel less like something being watched and more like an experience. So, I actually turned to video games for inspiration.  

Not surprisingly, the games Dan and company were inspired by and borrowed from included Uncharted and The Last of Us – two games known for their cinematic scope and feel. More after the jump.

I love the design of a lot of these 3rd person action games, if you think of the Uncharteds or Last of Us. Those games feel as subjective as the first person shooters do, so I think, stealing from some of their design elements, we were able to make this feel – even though it was very classically told, in a more traditional filmmaking style – you still feel like you are vicariously experiencing everything that the protagonist is experiencing and you really feel in her shoes.


The PS5 Exists.