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Yesterday we had news/rumors about Nvidia's next cards, today it's time for AMD/RTG


Our friends from Hardware Battle have just confirmed that Radeon R9 Fury X2 is in fact.. Radeon Pro Duo.

You probably heard about Radeon R9 Fury X2 or Fiji Gemini, but it appears the official name is *allegedly* slightly different.

RADEON PRO DUO would essentially be a Radeon card with FirePro capabilities. It is unclear what exactly would be shared between the series, but Radeon Pro Duo is clearly a different product. It is said to become the fastest gaming card on the market and offer best VR experience to date. This is probably where FirePro features are necessary, as this card would is not only designed for gamers, but also game developers (that’s why we saw so many teasers of FNW Tiki systems allegedly powered by dual-Fiji graphics).

RADEON PRO DUO would look almost exactly like Fury X2 with Cooler Master water cooling solution. It is however slightly longer card, and it requires three power connectors (most likely 8-pin).

RADEON PRO DUO will be unveiled on March 14th, but the card will be available in 1 to 2 months after announcement.

To make this story even more interesting I have actually found a trace of Radeon Pro Duo on AMD website, but the link is not working. This can’t be a coincidence, also it would explain missing ‘R9’ prefix. In other words, this information is very plausible. Stay tuned for more.


>>I guess the Radeon Pro Duo, being half professional, will be rather expensive. I'm guessing it will be more like $1,500 (or more) than $1,000.



In press release we read:

Event Will Feature Industry Luminaries Including Crytek, HTC, Oculus, and Previews of New Silicon and Software Advancements

Obviously the focus is always on hardware, so ‘previews of new silicons’ is what everyone is waiting for. Today however AMD has told us more in a new tweet, where they promised ‘a sneak peak of Polaris’. This could simply mean that we are finally going to see Polaris GPU or at least a presentation.. well sneak peak could mean a lot, but one would expect the actual GPU to be shown, especially since some press members already saw it.

The event will also focus on Virtual Reality, hence Crytek, HTC and Oculus will also take part in Capsaicin. Of course here everyone expects dual-Fiji aka Radeon Pro Duo to be shown for the first time in final form.

The announcement of Radeon Pro Duo and ‘sneak peak of Polaris’ is probably more enough to make this event interesting. I don’t expect anything specific about Radeon 400 series though, but rather some buzz words like Polaris GCN 4.0 is X times efficient than GCN 3.0.

In case you didn’t know, AMD has already set up a stream for this live event on Ustream, so make sure to bookmark it.


>>I hope it's not the same chip that AMD/RTG demoes at their December event. It would be nice to see something with a bit more power.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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