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Looking like signs of Microsoft's recent moves effecting sales of Xbox or sales are finally slipping due to focusing on the holidays too much. I've always been expecting them to phase out the hardware one way or another and so far all the news and sales trending downward quickly looks like some people will be right about Microsoft getting rid of Xbox in all but brand. PC base was on point years ago that windows 10 (well actually it came up with Windows 8, which failed) would mark a shift in Microsoft's gaming endevours. The Xbox division hasn't really a whole lot of use outside pushing for their hopes of a walled garden lately. I pray Gaben saves us from that.

Now onto SF... It's worth remembering that Capcom was never expecting SFV to sell as much as SFIV. It's not likely they will hit their estimate for SFV either but going by what we've seen so far its not "as bad" as many were expecting. Still bad though. Unfortunately it had launch problems but the real heavy hitter is the more casual players negative opinion due to the lack of single player content.

Despite the gameplay being pretty extraordinary, polished and likely one of the most fun SF games ever. You simply need the casuals to bite for any title to sell well. I hope it has strong legs, would be a shame if they decide to drop season 2+ and put the series on hiatus again.