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Ill guess the minimums in a lifetime as follow


x360: 37.5 mill

(since it sold rough 10 mill now, lifetime 3x longer + pricedrops and killergames)

ps3:  30 mill

 (they dont sell as much atm but when they drop the price a bit wich eventuellay will happen i see people have money reserves bought wii already and think its accepteble to buy a ps3 aswell (assuming ppl with a x360 dont buy a ps3 because its roughly the same)

wii: 42.5 mill

(its exploding at the moment sold out everywhere and the hype is very high makes it a wannahave item no matter u like it or not, but the sooner the later i think many people will not buy it anymore because the games arent to spectacular and since many people are graphicwhores they dont want a wii anyway. but enough people wanting one and the cheap price ill say 42.5)


endings ill say

x360: 45 mill

ps 3: 50 mill

wii: 65 mill


p.s: someone posted that the ps3 wont do well thanks to the shareholders and they will make a new ps4 by that time.

 imo all 3 are already making new ones :)

life isn't complicated, just face it simple.