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fatslob-:O said:
theprof00 said:

I mean they're using pre baked lighting in the release.

But, just for shits.
:20 map changes from what is a very intesive looking map, to a 2d plane.
:40 steam from ground iluminated by brake lights, brake lights on release dont reflect or glow against nearby objects.
1:20 smoke and wind effects on nearby building, wind absent from release, smoke is lower quality
1:34 draw distance
1:40 lack of lens flare effects, and quite a lot of them
2:15 fight, lack of hard shadows under characters, replaced by fuzzy haze; also, lack of cold breath steam from breathing
4:30 area is completely different, no light trails in hallway or sequence event with the swinging light.
5:18 "check out manhattan" now replaced with fence because draw distance doesn't extend far enough to show good detail

Pre-baked where exactly ? You can't exactly pre-bake when you have a day and night cycle but according to their GDC presentation it says their using DYNAMIC Global Illumination but I won't deny that they could be using some sort of pre-computation like Quantum Break does ... 

1. I'm pretty sure we were talking about the in game graphics so it's pointless to argue about map design ... 

2. Does it matter ? Smoke or other participating media can still receive lighting. What makes car lights or any other generic spot lights in the game so much harder to handle ? 

3. Wind is not absent from release as it is in the graphical options and how would you know that the smoke is lower quality ?

4. Draw distance ? I know that both are pretty high and if you stop at 1:39 you'll see some buildings occluded by the fog so I'm not exactly sure what basis you have to say that it's been lowered ...

5. Lens flare is still in the game, just find a strong light source to activate it ... 

6. What fuzzy haze ? You mean the ambient occlusion ? BTW there's still projective shadow maps in the final build from the frames 2:16-2:18 on the left, you just have to find the right lighting conditions ...  

7. Your point is ?

8. Nope, the fence only partially occludes the view but if you look hard enough you can still see the distant buildings ...

If you invited every single person on vgc and asked them to comment on who was right here, they would say me. I'm 100% sure.

My point is....I'm not going to argue this with you, because you're clearly just trying to disagree.