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I have to be honest, my biggest (and just about only) question about making room for transgender people to live as equals in society and openly being who they recognize themselves to be was, specifically, how to approach athletics. That's the only area I'm really uncertain of, as it seems supremely unfair to women if genetic men begin entering their sports.

As of right now, I'm against it. I fully respect that a person feels and believes themselves to be a gender other than what they were born as genetically speaking, but they were still born with a body that would grant them unreasonable advantages in sports over other women.

Of course, many of you are pointing out that women are perfectly capable of beating men, and that's absolutely true; Rhonda Rousey could kill me in 5 seconds if she wanted to. But at the pinnacle of athletics there has always been a gulf there, and I can't imagine that's going to change. Women have to work harder to pack on muscle that comes more naturally to men and still have trouble achieving the same body types. Men, meanwhile, have an advantage in blood chemistry that women would be disqualified for having as evidence of doping. In other ways, be it speed, strength, leaping etc, the best men have always topped the best women.

I'm just not sure there's any way to make the entrance of a transgender woman into athletics truly fair... if anything, she should compete with men and beat them; how inspiring would that be for other closeted transsexuals? Again, as I just typed that line I realized that'd almost be an admission of being something you're not, so that's probably a no-go... Like I said, this is something I'm pretty uncertain about.