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@Jessman Obviously it's too soon to dismiss this game as we don't know a lot about it, but from the known facts I believe the game won't feel like a real platformer. And the trailers seem to second that, showing mostly driving and flying. Most important to me in a platformer is what it feels like to play the game.

Also, the game doesn't seem to feature user generated levels, just user compiled vehicles. So you have to build vehicles to reach certain points. Probably you will only use vehicles in certain areas, because otherwise traditional platforming can't be done, because like others said, limitations on what you can do are essential in platforming. If you could fly everywhere, the game would be pointless.

I'm very concerned from what I saw. It seems that Rare tried to make Banjo appeal to the 'typical XBox gamer', which is fine, but I don't think I'm interested the game anymore.