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Intrinsic said:


You, like Nintendo, seem to have no idea how much shit Nintendo is in. But you will see. 

I hope for Nintendo's sake they aren't thinking like you and actually make a proper console this time around and do all they can do to secure 3rd party support. I hope. Cause get this, nintendo will NOT survive another failure. They no longer have a handheld market to fall back on. And the long since lost their footing in the console space since after the SNES. if you are a half way decent follower of Nintendo and have at least one eye open on global trends then you would know what I mean. 

Sounds like shit I heard from GBA and GC days all over again lol. Might I also add why you are ignoring Ninty with their worst selling hardware of all time is still making as much money as Sony with their fastest selling? Ill rather Ninty not follow a completely unprofitable business plan. If Sony wasnt selling so much they would be right back to losing alot, see PS3. What makes you think the market could sustain two plats selling like PS4? If the market could sustain it, then Xbox would be doing just that. Since Xb1 isnt pulling those numbers, its probably better Ninty makes their money somewhere else then try to share such little profits PS4 makes. Dont you think thats better for Sony as well? You really think Ninty and Sony want to kill each other yet they are both Japanese companies and probably realize that wouldnt be good for the country? Honestly dude they would rather merge than kill each other. So I think Ninty is purposely staying out of Sonys way, it only leads to their own extinction.