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Zoombael said:


5% of what? dammit. people really need to stop throwing in numbers without context. beside that. the gpu isnt the one only requirement that needs to be fulfilled. in my case i'd need to upgrade gpu, cpu, usb and OS. it wouldnt make any sense. better buy a a new PC and be read for the future. like in so many other cases of midlevel PCs. its not recommended to rely on below minimum VR ready PC hardware.

5% of the entire Steam userbase. That's the context, I did cite the numbers for that.

Zoombael said:

kinect isnt comparable to VR as a whole. motion controls on their own never had such an impact. it is too limited in its use and too much below average quality content chased away cunstomers. when it comes to entertainment motion-control peripherals like kinect are restricted to games only. VR is not. outclassing it in multiple ways. VR already has more significant titles than WiiMote or Kinect ever had and there is prove that the VR plattform has the posibility to have milestone games in pretty much every genre.

Then you missed my entire point completely. It is comparible in the way that games will support the peripheral.

Zoombael said:

lol what? support isnt random already. sony has a whole studio dedicated to VR and several project in development. and if its random for console, it will be random for PC too. because, i repeat, a large portion of the games coming to PC VR HMDs will also be available on PS VR. multi-multiplattform.



Will the support be in every single AAA game? No. It won't. Just like Motion controls were never supported in every single AAA game.
We would need a new generation for that, with the peripheral included with every console sold.

eva01beserk said:

You are not addresing the issue here. All that as you said is more power to games you can still play on consoles. There will hardly be a game, or good game you cannt play on the ps4, you can pplay it with better specs but I can play it to wich is the ppoint made on this thread, who will have the most support. But pc's will never have thhouse big hitters the exclusive sony studios will create. So at the end, ps4 will have High end eclusives made by their own studios, but pc wont, cuz every bit third party studio will port games everywhere since VR is still a gamble. The most you are going to get as exclusive on pc is little indys that dont use any of that massive pottential power.

There will not be a good game that you cannot play on PS4? ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?
The PC has the most exclusives of any platform
, thanks to decades-large games library.

Star Citizen, StarCraft, WarCraft, Settlers, Civilization, Red Orchestra, Company of Heroe's, Fortnite, Survarium, Grim Dawn, Unreal Tournament, Dreadnought, Homeworld, Arma, Descent: Underground, Master of Orion, System Shock... And more, only the exclusive games worth playing are on Playstation though, right? Please. Pull the other one.

Areaz32 said:

* could you give an example? I have yet to see any pc game with the graphics fidelity of driveclub or the order 1886. Keyword here is graphics fidelity.

Again. Crysis 3. - The PC version, not the console, try playing it at 5k or in eyefinity sometime.
The Order 1886 was 1920x800, roughly 1.5 million pixels or a 25% reduction from full 1080P resolution. On PC it could have been full 1080P, 1440P, 4k, 5k, 7680x1440, 5760x1080, 11520x2160.
It was also 30fps.

Thanks to the low resolution and horrible framerate (I won't even touch on the gameplay, which was average at best...) it was not a pleasant feast on the eyes.

I have to ask you though. Are you trying to troll? Usually when a console gamer claims that their console has better graphics than PC... They are laughed at from all angles.

Areaz32 said:

** Nope you are projecting your own misinformation onto reality here. The graphics we currently get are a generation ahead of the previous decade. If you look at Uncharted 4 and then on The Last of Us remastered then you will see that your arguement is completely shot down.

Uncharted and the Last of US, whilst looking good on console, could never compete with a PC title, even remastered.

The main difference with the PC is that the "little details" get an upgrade.

Areaz32 said:

**** and this is where you dropped the chain. The graphics of Crysis 3 are not on the level of The Order 1886 or Driveclub for that matter. They use outdated rendering techniques by todays standards. Thie PBR solution is outdated along with their lighting system. 

Until you can show me pictures from Crysis 3 that has the z-buffer + shader fidelity in display here, you have something to prove.

When it comes to resoloution you are no longer talking about graphics fidelity. PC will always have an advantage in FPS + resoloution. 

Yes they are.
Crysis 3 makes full use of the Direct X 11 featureset on PC, we have super high textures, fantastic shadows, amazing lighting, tessellation, you name it. On console it was a flat, blurry and dull mess in comparison, the PC version is better looking than the majority of next-gen titles that haven't even been released.

Z-Buffer effects? Hahaha. Crysis 3 has them in spades.
In-fact Screen-Space Ambient Occolusion is also a Z-Buffer effect (Z-Buffer is a depth buffer.) which was actually first used by Crystek in Crysis on the PC.
I suggest you do some light reading and learn what graphics techniques are.

Shader effects? You mean... Like Reflective dynamic water surfaces? Woops.

Here is what the ORIGINAL Crysis could look like with a couple of mods. (Of course, only on PC.)

Here you can see modern techniques such as your Z-buffer effects, pixel shader effects (Rain and water and how it alters the lens.) as well as subsurface scattering, dynamic lighting etc'. - It can even look better than this.

Here, have some free complimentary StarCitizen to go with that:

As for resolution and framerates... Framerates affect gameplay, it allows for greater fluidity.

Resolution is part of the "Graphics fidelity" equation that you cling to. - Increasing the resolution reduces jagged edges, it allows for finer details to pop, resolution *is* important, Playstation 4 gamers lauding their 1080P superiority over Xbox Gamers on this very forum is a testament to that, PC takes it to the next level and suddenly it's irrellevent? Please. It's not. It's perfectly relevent. Stop shifting the goal posts.

Areaz32 said:

The API stuff you talk about towards the end might very well get an improvement on PC, but at the same time PC's still have non-static hardware which means the optimization can never be as in depth as consoles.

3rd party developers have reported that they see at least a 60% performance boost in comparison to equal hardware on PC. Keyword 3rd party.

The first party games always look way better than the 3rd party games.

Games aren't built to the metal anymore (I.E. Machine Code). PC games (That support Direct X 12 and Vulkan) will now be built closer to the metal, just like a console.
I bet 3rd party devs weren't thinking of PC's Direct X 12, Mantle and thus Vulkan when they made that statement did they?
With Direct X 11 and prior API's that would have certainly held true, unless you can find a source that says the contrary? ;)

eva01beserk said:

Yea your right, its getting boring going around in circles with you so I will quick reply at the bold before I go to work.

You keep spining this. I keep saying at the beginin devs will not risk pc exclusivity. There will be tons of games going to the pc big games and small games, but most of thouse games if not all, will be playable on the ps4. While ps4 will have some games that will come exclusivly to ps4 because they have exclusive studios. 

That is truly my only point here. Accept it or not, I have to go.

PC has exclusives. Some of which are bigger than console exclusives.
There are PC games that outsell their console counterparts.

You should really do some research of other platforms, you might just be pleasantly surprised.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--