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Are moderator better people?

Do they decide what worth discussing and whats not? is their personal opinion = the general opinion?

Is the community here not allowed to decide themself which topics they want to discuss?


A moderator should supervise conversations, stop bad language and insults.

But he shouldnt decide what its worth discussing and whats not. 

If the people are not interested in a topic, they wont reply. Simple as it is.

Some moderators here just lock topics if they dont like it or their interpretation of some sentences make it look not worth to be discusses for them.


Sorry, but this forum getting worse and worse.

Im probl getting banned now for giving this critics, i still dont care.




In my opinion a moderater shouldn touch a topic thats not blind hate/flame etc at all. None of those topic were.

If they dont get the sense of the topic thats not a reason to lock it. 

If nobody gets the sense of the topic nobody would reply and it would dissapear soon enough.

If the OP bump his thread again and again even if nobody is interested, then its ok to lock the thread. But locking an running conversations is stupid IMO.