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The sad truth about pretty much any "fandom", is that I have found "fans" of every single thing I like, be it sports, be it wrestling, be it movies, or music, or gaming, comics, etc. etc. etc., there are the whiny, the entitled, the blind loyal fans, the trolls, the outright assholes, you name it. Modern fandom, in the internet age, has transformed from what once used to mostly be a bunch of people who all enjoyed and celebrate their love of the same thing, to being this really ugly and splintered....................whatever you want to call it.

Paper Mario fans remind me of Smash Bros. Melee fans, in all honesty. They won't accept anything if it isn't basically a remake of Melee/TTYD, and shit on everything else. Me personally? I wanted another Super Paper Mario game, because it was a blast. But I'm not going to cry that this new one isn't that. It's still, by all accounts, an a rpg, and you know, if they don't like it, they don't have to fuckin' buy it.

But just on a surface, adult human being kind of level, you really do have to laugh at just how entitled and hilarious it comes off, for a bunch of grown men (and some women) to be throwing what fundamentally equates to temper tantrums, over two gaming franchises that are super cute, cuddly, and cartoony as they come. It's like Brony outrage. Paper Mario and Smash are both great franchises. But people really need to find better things to do than be mad over shit like that.