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I played it for a while this morning. I've only played the Wii version of the game in the past, so playing with standard controls does feel a lot different, but I do like it more this way. I don't notice much in the difference of graphics so far, though I don't really have an eye for that anyway. Resolution looks nice on a big screen, though textures are still pretty flat. Grassy areas still look like giant green rocks, and I'm still not a big fan of the character artstyle.

On a more positive note, I'm really glad that Hero Mode is available at the start, as I remember this game being pretty easy the first time around. Lots of little changes that make the game more enjoyable, like a bigger wallet and lantern oil meter. For me it's well worth the price, but I'm also a big Zelda fan. Still an excellent game, and I'm enjoying playing the definitive version.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334