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PAOerfulone said:
Pavolink said:
None said anything bad about Pikmin 3. Everyone knew it was a Wii game and all of us were excited to see the progress if P3 was only a launch trailer.

3DWorld is still not a real 3D Adventure Mario. Yes, it is. Just because it's not Galaxy or 64, makes it not a real 3D game? That is flawed logic. It is a 3D Mario game in its purest form, platforming challenged, in 3D, a Three-Dimensional Camera, just because it's based off of the 2D formula makes it not a real 3D Adventure Mario? Bowser still kidnaps someone, Mario still has to go on a platforming adventure to stop him, all in 3D. It is a 3D Mario game, whether you like or not.
Just because it's based on the 2D formula, doesn't make it any less 3D than the games before it, and it's a DAMN good game as well.

ALBW is still a copy of ALTTP. Well isn't it supposed to be a direct sequel or reimagination? And it's still a fine game in its own right and many consider one of the best if not THE best on the 3DS.

TPHD is still an underwhelming remaster. What, you were expecting the Tech Demo?
Looks pretty good to a lot of people.

You know, you're beginning to get on my nerves with your constant pessimistic attitude, I almost dread any new Nintendo news that comes out because I'm think: "Oh great, more things for Pavolink to bitch about!"
I'm not going to say you shouldn't have an opinion, because you have a right to your opinion, but to constantly spout negativity OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again and do so in a manner like it's the absolute truth, it's downright migraine inducing at times, and people are beginning to gloss over what you have to say because it's turned into "Oh great, what's he going to moan about this time?" Your reputation is unfortunately beginning to percede you.
You've been acting like this ever since Zelda Wii U was delayed, and you're STILL complaining about, it's been ONE year already man!
And they've always delivered when it came to 3D Zelda's haven't they? Every single title was critically acclaimed and beloved, and Zelda Wii U looks like no exception.
I was looking forward to it coming out in 2015 just as much as you were, you didn't see me bitching when it got delayed, did you?

You missed the word Adventure. Also, it's impossible to not be negative about a company that makes mistake after mistake, like Federation Force or Color Splash.

Oh, and you don't know anything about Zelda delays.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile