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fatslob-:O said:
JEMC said:

My biggest problem is not with DX12 per se, but what MSoft is trying to do to the PC gaming ecosystem with the excuse of DX12.

Microsoft Store is the issue but I don't see why we should be throwing DX12 under the bus for Vulkan ... 

Did people here forget that we got screwed over by the Khronos Group with OpenGLCL so what is stopping them from doing the same with Vulkan and SPIR-V ? 

But it's not just Windows Store. If you read that PCPerspective article I posted, you'll see that this is a problem of Windows 10:

"What we are seeing is the first implications of a new pipeline for graphics and compositing. WDDM 2.0 (Windows Display Driver Model) is a very big shift from what existed previously with WDDM 1.3. The days of exclusive fullscreen gaming may be on the way out as Microsoft shifts developers and hardware vendors into a standard path through the OS compositor rather than bypassing it. Implications for this change are only beginning to be understood, but let’s see how it affects Ashes of the Singularity today."

Therefore, the problem is not DX12, but Microsoft's attitude towards how the games and every other program must run on its OS.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.