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Also a recent piece on Vulkan:

At the end of January, I was at the ISART Digital in Paris to join a panel discussion titled New Graphics APIs discussion panel at the dawn of Vulkan. The meeting was organized and chaired byChristophe Riccio from Unity and focused on the Khronos Group’s new Vulkan graphics and compute API.


Vulkan is a next-generation API for grapics and compute

The panel consisted of a mix of ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), IHVs (Independent Hardware Vendors) and platform owners with a range of experience from modern rendering algorithms to API implementation to driver implementation:

  • Sébastien Lagarde (director of rendering research at Unity, previously at EA Frostbite)
  • Julien Ignace (R&D rendering programmer at Unity, previously at Quantic Dream)
  • Jasper Bekkers (rendering engineer at OTOY, previously at EA Frostbite)
  • Cyril Crassin (research scientist at NVIDIA)
  • Jon Kennedy (senior graphics software engineer at Intel)
  • Adrian Bucur (senior software engineer at Samsung SERI)

We covered a number of topics, including: the type of developer Vulkan is most applicable to; how difficult it will be to integrate into existing rendering engines; and how the quality of debugging tools could affect the success of the API.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.