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Shackkobe said:

With Xbox being more of a service than a hardware platform, one must admit that the Xbox brand has been seriously devalued. To anyone who has a decent PC and a PS4, the decision is straightforward. All Xbox exclusives will be coming out on PC so it simply doesn't matter what hardware upgrades Microsoft give to the Xbox, the PC versions will always remain superior. Therefore there is absolutely no reason to buy dedicated Xbox hardware.

Think about it, with the release of Windows 10, millions of new Xboxes magically appeared out of nowhere, most inferior but many superior to the Xbox One . What reason is there for any of the PCs sporting GTX 980s and 970s with Intel Core i5s and i7s to buy new Xbox hardware? There is no need to upgrade.

In my opinion, this whole brand devaluation is the result of Microsoft viewing the Xbox One as a failure when it actually isn't. Nintendo knows all too well the value of a brand. They could have released their games on PC just like Microsoft is doing now, but if that was ever done, there would be absolutely no anticipation for the NX. We would all shrug and just stick more powerful CPUs and GPUs into our PCs and enjoy our upgraded Nintendo games without the need for their hardware.

This in my opinion is where Microsoft is heading. Microsoft could release new Xbox hardware if they want, but there will be very little hype or anticipation for the next Xbox console because quite frankly, you can already buy the new Xbox right now.



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yes There are there is simply no way I'm getting a gaming PC... I'm not single and there is no way I'm playing on anything under 40 inch on a single screen because I can't hook up the PC in the living room... And second my sound system system beats any 4k plus full graphic in term of immersion that you get on your most expensive PC build..and I have absolutely no interest in the McDonald of console that is PS4 with there quantity over quality attitude that have had for decades now... There is no way I'm financing Sony in general and their gaming industry policy is number one reason... I'd take XBox one original launch policy any day of the millennia over Sony's, I still think the 180 was the most retarded move for the industry and a draw back from something that will eventually be a reality no matter what th cry babies think and is less damaging to the gaming overall quality than what Sony does...


so yeah plenty of reasons to buy an XBox one or even a Wii U for that matter