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JNK said:
Miyamotoo said:

Zelda U port for NX could be easily done for 6-12 months, for that time you cant prepare anything (maybe Mario Tennis or Amiibo Festival) for launch, especially something that could be strong launch title. Making Zelda U port like NX launch title is good decision from every aspect, NX will have strong launch title and game itself will sell several millions on NX alone, so Zelda U will move NX and in same time Nintendo will make tons of money on NX port alone. Same thing they done with TP and now they doing it again.

mario kart 8 port. same engine in 1080p, some better anti aliasing, 16-32 new tracks + all wii u tracks, some new drivers.

finished. thats a launch title.


TP didnt moved much consoles. without the motion controls, that system would had sold even worse then wii u. TP didnt needed 6-12 month either, the wii was basicaly a gamecube with new controls.


Also dont forget we are talking about Nintendo. Not everything they are doing make sense anyway. Like releasing Splatoon without voice chat and with 9 maps locked on disc. WTF.

Nontheless, it seems like Zelda NX is true, scince some of the leaks from supermetaldave64 are already confirmed. I just hope they dont rely on Zelda..just a ps4 like console with zelda and 1-2 other aaa nintendo games wouldnt work imo.

Mario Kart 8 at end of this year will be around two and half years old game, and MK9 is probably in development already, so we realistically can expect new Mario Kart game in 2017 or 2018 at latest, so there is no sense to port Mario Kart at all especially if we know that Mario Kart is francaise with one game per generation (per device).

Zelda U is completely new game, you really cant expect that remaster of old game (MK8) will have better effect than new game, especially because people who already really wanted MK8 already played it on Wii U. New Zelda game on NX we can expect in best case in 2019/2020, so basically repeat of Wii U where we will would have Zelda near end of life of console, but with Zelda U port we will have new Zelda at launch and onother near end of NX life, similar like Wii had.

Again why they would left probably the biggest game in history on dead platform when that same game can have beginning of life on complete new platform!? Zelda NX port will move consoles and will sell additional millions of copies of games than on Wii U alone. There is no one single reason why Nintendo should left Zelda U like exclusive Wii U title, espacile because they already done same thing with TP.


Again, Zelda TP Wii did move solid number of Wii console beacuse core gamers bouth Wii beacuse of Zelda TP not beacuse of Wii Sports, vile casual gamers bouth Wii beacuse Wii Sports.

Yes, not everything they do make sense but you cant say nothing they do dont make sense, porting Zelda TP to Wii made sense and was huge success in every way, there is no reason to assume Nintendo will not do same with Zelda U especially when GC and Zelda U have so many similaritys, both are consoles with very bad sales and both had huge game coming at end of life when new hardware is launching.


Of Course that Nintendo is counting on Zelda U like launch title on NX, why wouldn't, it huge game that will be launch title on complete ne platform, but they definitely don't rely only on Zelda U port. They will definitely have some other big launch title/s, for instance new 3D Mario game is very possible. You dont understand that great Nintendo games selling Nintendo consoles, and having great Nintendo games on launch will move huge number of consoles, but you can still deny that.