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With the global warmth and all, we don't get so many spectacular winter sceneries anymore these days, I guess we better play games with beautiful winter levels!! Here's my 10 favorite winter landscapes in video games! Let me know yours too!

Top 10 Video Game Snow Levels

10. Uncharted 2 (PS3)
9. Super Mario 64 (N64)
8. Hokkaido, Yakuza 5 (PS3)
7. Dragon Quest 8 (PS2)
6. Lake Bersha, Final Fantasy 13 (PS3)
5. Snowpeak, The Legend of Zelda: the Twilight Princess (Wii, WiiU)
4. Yokosuka, Shenmue (Dreamcast)
3. Yule, Ni no Kuni (PS3)
2. Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons (PS3)
1. Journey (PS3, PS4)