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Puppyroach said:
Free will and concepts of good and evil are most likely a human invention, a product of our evolution. So the prospect of a god that relates to good and evil is irrelevant if there is no good or evil, and a god in itself is then irrelevant as well.

If good and evil is strictly a human invention I find it odd then that even a young child feels guilt after hurting his sister.  Furthermore, if you look at history and even remote cultures that have been highly isolated from the rest of the world, these societies still almost always view as wrong common activities such as stealing, killing, rape, etc...  Yes, each culture may enforce correct behavior differently, but there are certain behaviors that are prohibited or are at least viewed as a legitimate injustice in society and that should not be embraced.

If there is no such thing as good or evil, then were the allied forces truly justified in opposing Hitler?   If there is no right and wrong then under what basis should the death-camps be condemned by society?  If good and evil is just an invented concept then why can't somebody else come in and change morality to make the death camps a morally virtuous activity?  Even the Nazi's themselves knew that the death camps were wrong and for this reason they kept the  vast majority of their heinous atrocities sheilded from the German public.  All the propaganda in the world can't re-write good an evil because somethings are just wrong and every human being (no matter the age) has a tug in their conscience telling them thus. 

Our nature calls us to do what is easy and what furthers our own interests while morality invariably is difficult and requires our self-sacrifice for others.  Morality runs contrary to our nature but when morality is disregarded all of nature (and society) invariably suffers.  There is even a conflict inside our ourselves between our desire to do what is easy and profitable versus doing what we know to be right.  This is a small microcosm of the spiritual battle that exists between good and evil.