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Same experience here. Bought it at launch and had it till six months ago aprox.
I was neither too impressed. I don't see what people talk about when saying it is soooo much superior that other online playing. IMHO the biggest difference is that you are paying. The main reason I sold my 360 after fearing the RROD. I thought I'd rebuy it when MS solved the problem but the day seems to never fully arrive and I'm beggining to lose interest by the day. Good old days when evil Gates was at the top. He at least could give away a few goodies in exchange of world domination. Ballmer seems to be much more in the quarter profits rule wagon.

PS Toy? well, I wouldn't get offended, but a machine that's more powerful than many computers could just be referred as a console. I understand your analogy "if you play with it it is a toy" but that would also apply to sexual organs and partners so I guess it is not a perfect analogy. ..