BasilZero said: Question. When considering a CPU - want to know people's opinions - what do ya'll look more into - the number of CPU cores or the processing clock speed? Like which is more important/vital? Bear in mind - if needed - I'm looking for a good CPU and wanting to know what I should look into more. Here are things which I'm planning to do with my new PC in the future -Gaming (both PC gaming and emulation) -Video Rendering (through Sony Vegas and recording via FRAPs) |
None of those.
Let's look at what's available on the market: AMD's best CPU is the FX-9590 which is an 8-core chip that runs at 4.7GHz, Intel's best "affordable" CPU is the i7-6700K which is an 4-core chip that runs at 4.0GHz.
Looking only at the number of cores or the frequency you could believe that the FX-9590 is the better choice, and yet the Intel CPU destroys it in every benchmark available.
To choose a new CPU the best approach is to decide a budget, find the closest CPU to that said budget, and then find benchmarks comparing them. A good place to start is Anandtech's bench,, where you can select different benchmarks (on the left) or two CPUs and see the comparison.
Oh, and to bring my example to an end, here's the comparison between the FX-9590 and the i7-6700K:
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.