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Can't say I agree with any of your sentiments. Indies are some of the best games I've played in recent memory.
How anyone could want a mediocre game like Knack over masterpieces like The binding od Isaac and Meatboy or something fun like Rocket League is beyond me, but hey, tastes differ I guess.

Just be aware that higher budget ≠ better game and Indie ≠ low buget. Indie just means it has no major publisher behind it. Yeah, this can lead to a lot of crap, but it can also lead to a lot of creative freedom, resulting in a better experience. And it's not like you see any of the really crap games on ps+.

Also, if you really want to play all those games you listed, why not buy them to improve your playstation expierience? A lot of them are cheap to get by now and you're actually supporting the publisher and team that made them.