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BasilZero said:

Chazore said:

"All PC elitist do is shit on consoles. Of course pro console players will be hard on PC"



That quote LOL


Its the reason why humanity is fucked imo


"Lets blame future generations for what past generations did" mentality is hilarious l0l.

It's why we'll always have wars because one side thinks they are just and right while laying the self blame on someone else, starting with "you brought this upon yourself", does not do anyone a solid favour let alone start a bridge of understanding.

JEMC said:
Chazore said:

How long as what been happening?. Me having to use FSBWM?


For a year since I discovered it's use. Before that I would use full screen mode for all my games and have to use Vsync, most game versions of Vsync don't actually work so for the most part I've had to use the control panel version from Nvidia which either way involved inpout and frame lag. Using FSBWM means I get no input or frame lag along with no screen tearing, only other solution is G-sync which I;m currently saving for.

GTA V is probably the worst offender with my setup though and that game isn't running with experimental settings or grass on ultra let alone the taxing AA options. It's probably my build in general that's causing this (not the V-sync issue though), or likely my CPU.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.