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Oh you mean the comments on the article lol


I thought you meant the article itself had that XD.


Well yeah, this site isnt really PC friendly "Shrugs". I got GAF for that though xD. The threads/discussions are actual discussions about the games and not jabbing threads like here or ghost towns.

It's already begun with the self blame game:

I really wish this kind of ignorance was called out more because PC folk, especially new to PC gaming did not "bring this upon themselves", there is no just and righteous one side to all this and it;s a huge folly to believe as such. I hate how that article basically had users deciding to take another swing at PC for no reason and I didn't even start anything. I'm honestly getting fed up with this site each day when users are allowed to spew crap and get away with it, calling self blame games as if that's a logical reason despite it being completely fucking ignorant and ignoring years worth of history. I'm not going to leave the site though because some people would very much enjoy that.

Shiken (3 minutes ago) 


All PC elitist do is shit on consoles. Of course pro console players will be hard on PC. The PC commmunity did it to themselves by always saying the PC is the only place to play, as if we did not already know PC will always be ahead of consoles.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.