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It isn't so much skin colour but the way you present yourself.

If you dress like a gansta, well media trains us form a young age ganstas are trouble.

On the flip side, I think a bigger problem is refugees. For example here in Australia we get a lot of Sudanese atm. They bring their fucked up troubles here and still have their little tribal wars. So the race gets a stigma. However this stigma can be dramatically different from state to state. What I noticed with the difference is how their elder leaders have controlled them. If they provide positive reassurance that they are here for a better life and move on with a positive mind set and that we are not out to kill them, they seem to blend well with society. If their leaders are mentally retarded and brainwash them with fear, they act like they do in their own country.

It was actually quite funny because when I moved interstate everyone was like watch out for Sudanese, I was like wtf they gentle haha. However when I met some, I could see the differences in how they integrated, one in a positive way and one in a bad way.