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Depends what you mean by feminsism. It's become like "SJW" in that it means pretty much whatever people want it to mean in the moment.
I support feminism in so much as I want equal standing in society for all genders, just as I want equal standing in society for all races.
But to suggest that feminism has no point anymore, just because women in the western world have more rights than they used is a bit silly. What about the rest of the world? I'm not selfish. I'm not going to stop supporting feminsim because "dude, those are foreign women who don't have rights. who cares about foreign people!"

And as far here in the west, while women have made huge strides in recent decades, there is still work to be done, in terms of equality for many people, including women. In most western countries, politics is still resided over a consortium of well-fed white dudes.
I've got no problem with white dudes (I am a white dude!) but they don't dominate politics because they're the only ones qualified or interested in it, it's because throughout society it's still made harder for people who aren't white or who aren't male to attain positions of influence over society.

Yes Women have a lot more power over their lives now days than they used to, just like people of other races and backgrounds and beliefs do. But that doesn't mean there isn't work left to be done, even if that work is about perceptions rather than legally defined rights.