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Feminism turned into a messy thing after the "sex wars", there are so many contradictions between each person that calls themselves feminists that I don't want to "marry" with the term

On one side you see the "if you think this, yeah, you are feminist" inclusion type and the you have the "Men can't be feminist" type. There isn't consensus on important matters such as prostitution, porn or political quorum laws, and I have my views on that that would put me in a anarchindividualism type of feminism

Do I think the system has been and sometimes is against women? Yes. I believe in equal rights and law aplication for everyone and I support everything that goes that way.

And I think what's ruining the intelectual core of the movement are social media and bloggers who are really reactive and don't care about some minimun values such as due process or have some serious strange conceptions of what "consent" means